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Thành phần hoá học
Xích bước kép dùng cho băng tải có hai loại con lăn: loại S (số cuối vòng bi là 0) và loại R (số cuối vòng bi là 2).
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Phiên bản mạ niken và thép không gỉ cũng có sẵn.
Số chuỗi:KCM C2040~C2120H、KCM C2042~C2122H
Pitch P: 38.10
Width between Inner Plates W: 12.70
Roller Dia.D: 11.91/ 22.23
Pin: Dia.d: 5.96
A: 12.65
B: 14.15
(A+A) L1: 25.30
(A+B) L2: 26.80
Offset L: 29.45
Link Plate: Thickness T: 2.4 Height H: 17.5
Ave. Tensile Strength kN (kgf): 39.5 (4,000)
Max. Allowable Load kN (kgf): 6.28 (640)
Approx. Weight (kg/m):1.12/ 1.79
Links of KCM JIS & 1 unit: 80
Pitch P: 38.10
Width between Inner Plates W: 12.70
Roller Dia.D: 11.91/ 22.23
Pin: Dia.d: 5.96
A: 14.25
B: 15.75
(A+A) L1: 28.50
(A+B) L2: 30.00
Offset L: 32.65
Link Plate: Thickness T: 3.2 Height H: 17.5
Ave. Tensile Strength kN (kgf): 39.5 (4,000)
Max. Allowable Load kN (kgf): 6.28 (640)
Approx. Weight (kg/m): 1.43/ 2.11
Links of KCM JIS & 1 unit: 80
Pitch P: 50.80
Width between Inner Plates W: 15.88
Roller Dia.D: 15.88/ 28.58
Pin: Dia.d: 7.94
A: 16.07
B: 19.18
(A+A) L1: 32.15
(A+B) L2: 35.25
Offset L: 36.90
Link Plate: Thickness T: 3.2 Height H: 23.0
Ave. Tensile Strength kN (kgf): 68.6 (7,000)
Max. Allowable Load kN (kgf): 10.69 (1,090)
Approx. Weight (kg/m): 1.88/ 2.92
Links of KCM JIS & 1 unit: 60
Pitch P: 25.40
Width between Inner Plates W: 7.95
Roller Dia.D: 7.92/ 15.88
Pin: Dia.d: 3.97
A: 8.02
B: 9.53
(A+A) L1: 16.05
(A+B) L2: 17.55
Offset L: 18.95
Link Plate: Thickness T: 1.5 Height H: 11.7
Ave. Tensile Strength kN (kgf): 17.2 (1,750)
Max. Allowable Load kN (kgf): 2.65 ( 270)
Approx. Weight (kg/m): 0.48/ 0.82
Links of KCM JIS & 1 unit: 120
Pitch P: 50.80
Width between Inner Plates W: 15.88
Roller Dia.D: 15.88/ 28.58
Pin: Dia.d: 7.94
A: 17.70
B: 20.80
(A+A) L1: 35.40
(A+B) L2: 38.50
Offset L: 40.15
Link Plate: Thickness T: 4.0 Height H: 23.0
Ave. Tensile Strength kN (kgf): 68.6 (7,000)
Max. Allowable Load kN (kgf): 10.69 (1,090)
Approx. Weight (kg/m): 2.37/ 3.41
Links of KCM JIS & 1 unit: 60
Pitch P: 31.75
Width between Inner Plates W: 9.53
Roller Dia.D: 10.16/ 19.05
Pin: Dia.d: 5.09
A: 10.15
B: 11.60
(A+A) L1: 20.30
(A+B) L2: 21.75
Offset L: 23.00
Link Plate: Thickness T: 2.0 Height H: 14.6
Ave. Tensile Strength kN (kgf): 27.9 (2,850)
Max. Allowable Load kN (kgf): 4.31 (440)
Approx. Weight (kg/m): 0.79/ 1.25
Links of KCM JIS & 1 unit: 96
Pitch P: 63.50
Width between Inner Plates W: 19.05
Roller Dia.D: 19.05/ 39.67
Pin: Dia.d: 9.54
A: 21.72
B: 24.68
(A+A) L1: 43.45
(A+B) L2: 46.40
Offset L: 48.30
Link Plate: Thickness T: 4.8 Height H: 28.9
Ave. Tensile Strength kN (kgf): 106.9 (10,900)
Max. Allowable Load kN (kgf): 17.06 (1,740)
Approx. Weight (kg/m): 3.53/ 5.68
Links of KCM JIS & 1 unit: 48
Pitch P: 76.20
Width between Inner Plates W: 25.40
Roller Dia.D: 22.23/ 44.45
Pin: Dia.d: 11.11
A: 26.85
B: 30.25
(A+A) L1: 53.70
(A+B) L2: 57.10
Offset L: 59.30
Link Plate: Thickness T: 5.6 Height H: 35.0
Ave. Tensile Strength kN (kgf): 149.1 (15,200)
Max. Allowable Load kN (kgf): 23.93 (2,440)
Approx. Weight (kg/m): 4.75/ 7.40
Links of KCM JIS & 1 unit: 40
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